Inventory Entry
Add a new item. Change an existing item.
Add up to 6 vendors for each item.
See sales statistics for last 13 months or a particular date range.
Add a picture to an item
And many other features
Inventory Management
Inventory Adjustment
Adjust the quantity on hand by:
Replacing the value
Adjusting the value +/-
Scrapping a quantity
Transferring to another store (multi store operation).
Physical Inventory
Count your inventory - manually or using a hand held data collector.
Post changes
See an adjustment report
Inventory Reports
Hundreds of built in reports that can be filtered in hundreds of ways.
Custom report generator to build your own reports
View, Print, export to Excel or "save as" your reports
Inventory Maintenance
Make global changes to data. For instance put a department on sale for 20% in minutes.
Add mulitple bar codes to the same item. Think packaging changes where you still have some of the old along with the new.
Add step pricing schemes
Put together "Gift Basket" packaging
Make global changes to data. For instance put a department on sale for 20% in minutes.
Add multiple bar codes to the same item. Think packaging changes where you still have some of the old along with the new.
Add step pricing schemes
Put together "Gift Basket" packaging
Selling Groups
Allows for different packaging a pricing for the same item. Such as single, six packs and cases of beer or soda.
Substrates inventory from the item that you want