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QuickBooksâ„¢ Link

QuickBooks Link give you the ability to "export" the sales data from The Retailerâ„¢ into QuickBooksâ„¢.
The link allows you to match your QuickBooksâ„¢ accounts with the ccorresponding data in The Retailer.
For instance link:
QB Cash with The Retailer Cash
QB Customer Charge with The Retailer House Account.
You can also link customers
Linked information will first appear as row data, Chart and small "X- report" allowing you to verify information prior to sending it into QuickBooks.

Link and save your QuickBooks Accounts to The Retailerâ„¢ data.

Link your customer data
Requires QuickBooksâ„¢ from Intuit (purchased separately) to be located on one of the computers in your network.
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